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Economic Development

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TVA Economic Development serves the seven 状态s that make up the TVA service area—almost all of 田纳西州 和 parts of Mississippi, 阿拉巴马州, 乔治亚州, North Carolina, 维吉尼亚州, 和 Kentucky. Through our partnerships with other economic development organizations, we help foster capital investment 和 job growth in the area. Site Selection magazine has named TVA one of the top 10 utilities in economic development for the 18th straight year.

Economic Development Map

TVA Economic Development works to attract new companies—which results in more jobs 和 investments in the Valley—和 to engage existing businesses 和 industries to help them grow in a sustainable way. We are committed to serving our communities 和 corporate citizens to help them achieve lasting success in our dynamic, prosperous region. Working in concert with our partners—regional, 状态, 和 community organizations—we offer site selection services, incentives, 研究, 和 technical assistance to help companies locate, stay 和 exp和 existing operations in the 田纳西州 Valley.

Together, we help the region create opportunities that make life better for the people in the Valley.

Economic Development